King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang: Episode 16 [Recap]

The assassins see the girls and take both of them while Kuchon is fighting the others off.  Kuchon quickly saves Solhi but was unable to do anything as he sees Solnan being taken away.

Kuchon is almost at his limits and tries his best to protect both Chaehwa and Solhi.  He hugs Solhi and locks his hand around her back in order to protect her and suffers many blows.

Solnan was able to escape from the assassin taking her away by throwing sand at him.  She then lit some plants which make popping sounds to distract the soldiers.  It worked and they abandoned the family to see what the noise was coming from.  Solnan then comes back to the house and helps Chaehwa and Solhi escape.  She left the motionless Kuchon behind.

The King is still waiting.  The Grand Marshal tells the Crown Prince who he is waiting for.  The Crown Prince then leaves with his men to find Chaehwa to bring her to the King.

Prince Jinmu got the news that the family escaped and goes after them.  Chancellor Yon tells his men to burn down the house to disguise as if bandits had came to their house to hide what they did.  Kuchon is still kneeling there when the men came to burn the house.  However, his finger moved...

The sisters and Chaehwa managed to take shelter in a cave.  Solnan goes to get medicine for her mother while Solhi leaves to find her sister as she was too scared to be there alone.

Solnan runs into the Crown Prince and Solhi runs into Prince Jinmu.

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