King's Daughter Soo Baek Hyang: Episode 12 [Recap]

Solnan went to rescue Solhi from the cliff but throws away the flowers she had collected in return.  Solhi gets mad at Solnan for doing so.  They wander around in the woods and get lost.

Back at the village, Chaehwa is worried since the girls haven't returned home yet.  The whole village goes out at night to search for the girls.

Solnan gives up finding the way home since she is hungry.  Solhi gives the rice ball she had to her.  The two girls wander around some more and meet two men who were about to rape them.  The two men were the same ones who were chased away by Kuchon when he was collecting the white jade years prior.  In an attempt to escape, Solnan trips and Solhi manages to get away.  She leaves Solnan behind and meets up with the search party.  She tells them that she wasn't with her sister but Kuchon could read her eyes to know that she is lying.  He runs towards the direction she came from.

Solnan tells the two man that her dad is very scary and that he is mute.  The two men figured out that her dad was Kuchon and quickly lets her go.  Kuchon finds her and brings her back home.

Chaehwa punishes the girls with whippings for being in a dangerous place, but punishes Solnan more severely (with more whips) since she is older and should know more.  Solhi notices that her mother was crying while whipping her older sister.  Kuchon comes in to stop the punishment before she finishes. 

Kuchon confronts Solhi for lying but she runs away, telling him that she never know what he's trying to say.  Solnan then comes out and thanks Kuchon for helping her and tells him that she always know what he is trying to say despite the fact that he can't talk.

As they were sleeping that night, Solhi dreams about Paekche and wonders why she wasn't born there instead.

At the palace, the Chancellors meet and plan for his leave to Gaya.  Chancellor Yon tells this news to Prince Jinmu and tells him how the previous King died.  However, distorting the story to make it seem like he was brave and dignified.  Prince Jinmu tears up while hearing this story and swears to settle down his father's restless ghost.

The King gets ready to leave for Gaya. As he departs, the Queen is overjoy since she can invite her friends over to the palace, showing more of her immaturity.

Back at Gaya, Solnan is picking berries but realized that she ate them all while walking back.  One of the sons of the widows follows her and asks to marry her.  His reasoning was that although she is not as pretty as her sister, she would be the better wife to take care of his family.  Solnan ignores him but he follows, asking her to go see the King of Paekche with him.  Solhi overhears this and agrees to go with him instead.

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