Goblin: Episode 1 [Recap]

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A grandma tells a young lady about the tale of the Goblin.  He is immortal and lurking around somewhere and can only die if his wife pulls out a sword.  The old woman then tells the girl that she is his wife and advises her to pray for mercy if she sees her life flash before her eyes.  The girl doesn't believe a word she says and buys whatever she needed and leaves.

Paris 1968.

A man meets a young boy and tells him to go back into his house and warns him not to commit suicide because he is adopted.  He tells him the correct answers for a test he is taking later that day and tactically placed a flower pot in the entrance of the house so that the adopted father would fall and break his ribs.  The boy is stunned and watches the man walk away.

Another flashback...

The same man is now in a war, taking on hundreds of soldiers by himself.  He uses the sword that the grandma alluded to in the story in the beginning.  He chases the opposing leader and kills him.  The man is General Kim Shin.  Kim Shin returns to the palace only to be strip of his armor and was named a criminal. The General didn't obey so the archers killed and injured the soldiers who fought with him in the war.  The General walks in to meet the King.

As he walks towards the King, a minister whispers to him that everyone is praising the General and views him as a god to incite his jealousy.  The King orders him to stop, but the Queen encourages him to go on and approach the King, knowing full well what is going to happen to her.  Just as he does, the King orders her to be killed, along with all the hostages that he had in place.

The General's right hand man comes to try to stop the King.  The General gives him his sword and commands him to kill him.  He cries and stabs the General.  The minister orders him to be fed to the wild beasts.  He looks over at the princess and the camera zooms in on her ring - the same ring that the young lady was looking at in the beginning of this episode.

Seoul 1998.

A car crashes a man walking across the street but the man has no injuries, but the car is totaled.  The man who was hit told the driver to say he hit a wild boar.  He then vanishes in thin air.  People soon came over to see what was happening.  The total car revealed a girl in the trunk, who appeared to be kidnapped and killed.  There is a woman who is observing the scene and is confused as it was HER that was in the trunk.  The mysterious man tells her that she had passed away.  He then invites her to drink some sort of tea to forget about her life and tells her that she would regret not drinking it.

Just then, General Kim Shin passes by and sees him through the wall.  They acknowledge each other as goblin and grim reaper.

Kim Shin then meets some old man, who introduces him to his grandson.  Kim Shin tells him that he is someone who will essentially not age - that he will be his uncle, then brother, then son, then grandson... The boy - Duk Hwa is confused.

Flashback to the time that he was 'killed'

Voice over states that his punishment and blessing is that he will remember everything that had happen but won't be able to disappear from the world unless his bride removes the sword from him.  It is his punishment for killing so many people in the war and for allowing his loved ones died.  It states that his followers saved his soul.  The grandpa and the boy are both there to witness this.

Kim Shin comes into the palace and kills the minister who incited jealously on the King and ordered for him to be killed.  He seems to now have 'super powers' since he was able to make the man fly across the room without touching him.  He visits the princess and state that it was already too late since she already passed away.  He comes back to the field, and finds out that the grandpa already passed away.  He states that this was his first punishment.  The boy asks to serve him from now on since it was his grandpa's last wish.

The two leaves and rides ship.  There are others on the ship as well and the boy stares at them as they are eating.  The boy seemed hungry so Kim Shin offered a rice ball that he had.  Although the boy was clearly hungry, he told Kim Shin to keep it for himself since he is bigger and needs more food.  The boy said that he can always go and beg for food if he is hungry.  Kim Shin suggests to split it in half but the boy continues to refuse, saying that no one would be full at that point.  Kim Shin convinces the boy to eat half of the rice ball, saying that he is more capable than he thinks.

One of the other passengers on the boat steps on the rice ball and threatens to drop the kid overboard.  This angers Kim Shin and he uses his powers to tip the boat over and throw everyone overboard.  He pulls out his sword from no where and slices the ship in half.

Back in modern day, Kim Shin sits on top of an apartment drinking a beer.

Somewhere below, the girl from the beginning gets hit by a car.  Like what the old lady said to her in the beginning, she begs a god to come to save her.  Kim Shin hears this and appears in front of her.  He tells him that he didn't want to meddle with any human affairs.  She begs him to at least save her baby and then falls unconscious.  Kim Shin tells her that she was lucky to meet a soft-hearted god.  He puts his hand over her and she wakes up.

The grim reaper comes later and is confused when he doesn't find a dead body as one of his death certificate indicates.  He has an additional card which is blank (most likely for the unborn baby).

The lady gave birth to a baby.  While she does this. ghosts/souls behind her window chant "the goblin's wife is back."

8 Years Later...

Eun Tak is the name of the baby girl.  It's her birthday today.  The mother is worried as she seems to see things that people cannot see.  She lights the candle for her cake and realizes that her mom is dead and it was only her soul that was with her.  She starts crying, and the mom warns her to not look at other spirits in the eye.  They say their goodbyes and the mom disappears.

The mother visits the grandma from the beginning of the episode.  She comments that the grandma never aged.  She thanks her and leaves.

Eun Tak walks out of her house and meets the grim reaper.  He is surprised that she can see him  He then realizes that she was the unnamed / blank death certificate from 8 years ago.  She pretends to not see him and luckily the grandmas comes and saves her from him.

10 years later

The old granny turns into a young lady.

Eun Tak is at school and is alone because rumours around the school states that she can see ghosts. As she walks out from school, she walks past Kim Shin.  He gets flashbacks from looking at her...

Kim Shin is prepared to leave but is worried that Duk Hwa is the one who is to serve him when he comes back as he comes back and complain about having his credit card cut.  The grandpa is sad that he probably won't see him again in his lifetime.

The Eun Tak is being bullied even at home.  It is her birthday so she makes seaweed soup and breakfast for the family that staying with.  They treat her like trash and won't even allow her to take an umbrella with her to school when it's raining.  As she leaves for school, the aunt asks for her mother's insurance money and throws a bowl of rice on her head when she states that she doesn't know where it is.

Kim Shim sits down and talk with the grandpa.  He thanks him for what he has done for him for the past years.

Eun Tak goes to the ocean side with a cake and wishes for a good job and to be freed of her relatives.  She blows out the candles and smoke starting coming out from Kim Shin's hands as he hears her wishes.  She then complains about the rain and yells into the ocean.

Kim Shin then appears and asks her why she summoned him.  She mistaken him for a ghost and tells him to not stay in the sun for too long.  He is confused that he can't see a future in her.  She asks for the flowers that he is holding because it is her birthday.  She then asks what those flowers mean and he states that it represents 'lovers'.  He then tells her that she should look out for the chicken shop for a job and that she will be freed of her relatives soon.  He then vanishes in thin air.

He goes home only to find that Duk Hwa rented his house to the grim reaper to earn some money since he was going to leave the house vacant for the next 20 years.  Kim Shin tries to get rid of the grim reaper but he insists on staying, since he had already signed the contract.  He gives in once the grim reaper states that Duk Hwa had signed a contract with him.  They have dinner together and took turns sabotaging each other's dishes.

The next day, she goes around to search for a job.  She tries blowing out a fire that starts on a trash can and Kim Shin appears.  They are confused about why he was summoned.  She then figures out that she can summon him whenever she blows out a candle.

She then summons him to a church.  Turns out that the church is one place that would restrict his powers.  Next, she blows on a candle app on her phone and was still able to summon Kim Shin.  She wonders who he really is and directly asks him if he was a goblin.  She tells him that she is the goblin's wife and shows a birth mark on her neck.  Kim Shin then remembers that he had saved her mother.  Kim Shin doesn't believe this and tells her to stop calling herself a goblin's wife and tells her that she shouldn't actually be alive right now.

He leaves through a door and teleports Canada.  Eun Tak follows him and was also transported.  He is surprised that she was able to follow him and asks her again who she was.  She states that she really thinks that he is a goblin and tells him that she will marry therefore marry him.


Wow.  An action-packed first episode I would say.  I like the pace of the drama so far; they were able to squeeze most of the history and background information about our main characters and then some.
The cinematography of this series is really easy on the eyes.  The CG isn't too unrealistic and the visuals are amazing so far.  It usually bothers me in supernatural dramas where the CG is too obvious to the point that it seems unrealistic and out of place, but this drama balances it out pretty nicely.

I'm interested to see how our main characters develop through this series.  Kim Shin's character and history seems pretty interesting.  I wonder what kind of relationship he had with the Queen - was it unrequited love? Was she supposed to be the goblin's wife?  I can see similarities between his character and Do Min Joon from 'My Love From the Star" - they both lived long periods of time without aging, have superhuman abilities, and have an old companion who helps them live a 'normal' human life.

The whole tale about Goblins and Grim Reaper seems really interesting and I'm excited to see what the writers do with it.   I'm curious to see how his relationship with the Grim Reaper unfolds.

Duk Hwa seems to be the stereotypical rich and spoiled teenager.  I feel like he will be a nuisance to Kim Shin but I'm hoping that he will become helpful and loyal later in the drama.

Eun Tak seems to be a smart heroine of the story - I'm glad it didn't take her more than one episode to figure out how to summon Kim Shin.  I like that she's straight forward and goes right to the point.  It's refreshing to see that she speaks her mind and doesn't hold her emotions in.

I'm curious to see how the drama will develop Eun Tak and Kim Shin's relationship.  I also don't really understand the term of being the 'Goblin's Wife'.  Wasn't Eun Tak's mother his wife? Or did the grandma mess up and really meant that Eun Tak was his wife (since she was pregnant with her)?  If Kim Shin didn't meet Eun Tak, then would Eun Tak's daughter be his wife? I've briefly read about the controversy with age gap between the two leads and wonder how it will work out in the drama.

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January 12, 2021 at 2:17 PM delete

I came here because I want to know if the boy who was thrown into the sea is saved or not?

February 3, 2021 at 7:20 PM delete

Bro did the little boy die or not? I haven't finished it yet but I only got curious cause Mr. Goblin said to the Mr. Rich grandpa that his family helped him a lot and that lil' spoiled boyo here was a descendant of that boy. The boy probably got saved but I want to be sure. I really want to know if the boy got saved or not.

March 22, 2021 at 1:49 PM delete

Thats exactly my question, I have watched goblin several times but did the biy who was thrown in the water survive or he died?

May 24, 2021 at 7:07 PM delete

After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +15068001647
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June 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM delete

I think Kim Shin saved the boy as they show the exact same boy later in the episode. Also, the boy was the only one who could start and carry on the line of successors who serve Kin Shin over the centuries so he had to have been saved. Kim Shin didn’t look too worried about the boy so he probably knew after he destroyed the ship that he’d save the boy.

June 18, 2022 at 3:01 PM delete

See my reply above, this is what I think happened

June 18, 2022 at 3:02 PM delete

He had to have been saved by a Kim Shin. There would’ve been no one else to start the line of successors ego would serve Kim n Shin over the years.

